Oct 07, 2024
We can tap into any energy, anytime, regardless of where we are in the world. This was a wonderful reminder for me recently, when I caught up with a client who's just returned from a trip along the Silk Road. She traversed Turkmenistan + Uzbekistan and other memorable places. As she was relaying her story to me, in exquisite detail, I felt like I was right there beside her, walking the streets of these countries, having my own experience. Yet in reality I was sitting in a coffee shop in Byron Bay on a sunny afternoon.
It was the best form of armchair travel. No need to leave home, no need to queue at the airport, no need for a passport. Yet all the joy + excitement and as much good feeling of the ‘thing’ that was possible for me to experience, in that moment. I was hanging off her every word, deep in the scintillating notion of being there, on the ground, immersed in the highly exotic surroundings.
It reminded me of what I teach my clients when they’re setting up their home. That is, they don’t need to be standing in the finished + final version to experience the good feeling of it. That good feeling is available to them, available for them to tap into at anytime, anyplace on any day. It can happen during our first consultation when planning their space + discussing their unique needs. It can happen during their initial dreaming, spending hours on Pinterest imagining their space. It can happen when they’re shopping in the hardware store for paint. It can happen all the way through the process. It can happen at any time. So take this as a beautiful reminder to tap into the ‘good feeling’ of the thing, whatever the thing is, long before the thing has materialised in front of your eyes. This practice assists the thing to actually birth + brings you joy every moment of the becoming.
Revolutionising and realigning the way you live in your home, creating the lifestyle you’ve always dreamt of living!
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