Jul 15, 2024

“I never change anything in my home, I don’t even move the furniture around” is what one client told me after doing the Masterclass - SPACE + ENERGETICS. This was her feedback, this was her realisation at the end of the mini-course. “Now after doing the Masterclass, and investing my time into the 10 Modules, I realise why I am bored senseless in my home. I don’t put anything into it, I don’t give it anything really, it just stays the same, day after day. Nothing changes”.

I thought about her feedback, I thought about her realisation + I likened it to a relationship with your partner. Think about date night. Imagine if every Thursday evening for the last 20 years, you + your partner went on date night. This may sound wonderfully exciting. Yet imagine that every Thursday night for 20 years, you go to the same restaurant, at the same time, you order the same dish, you drive the same route to get there, you wear the same clothes, you have the same conversation + you are served by the same wait staff.

You’re pretty darn bored by those date nights. There’s probably not much excitement or anticipation about date night if you don’t infuse excitement or anticipation into them. If you don’t change anything, if you don’t freshen it up, if you don’t give it attention or intention, then it’s just going to fade into boredom as nothing changes + it feels, stale and stagnant.

This is the relationship some people have with their home. There is no excitement, anticipation, enjoyment, engagement or connection to their home. It purely elicits boredom. The energy in our relationships is created by us. We infuse the energy. We bring the energy. We bring the care, the love + the intention. We shape the experience.

Regardless of whether the relationship is with our partner, or home or anything else in our life. We’re the ones who curate that relationship + it takes nurturing. It’s not a set + forget thing. It’s alive + it shifts over time as we shift. It’s an extension of us + it evolves as we evolve. If we approach it as a set + forget thing, it’ll fizzle out fast. We need to feed it with love + care, consideration + commitment.

What is the relationship you have with your home?



Revolutionising and realigning the way you live in your home, creating the lifestyle you’ve always dreamt of living!


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