Sep 02, 2024
Your bedroom is not simply a space to sleep. Your bedroom is the last thing you see at night + the first thing you see in the morning. Your bedroom is a place you spend on average 8 hours per night in slumber. 8 hours x 7 nights = 56 hours per week. That’s almost 3,000 hours annually you spend in this space purely for sleeping.
Many people also use their bedroom as a reading nook, occasionally an office, a place to take afternoon naps + Sunday siestas, watch movies, swap stories and much much more. It makes sense that you’d want to create a sacred sanctuary in this room so you can extract every ounce of joy during the time you spend in there. Enhance the memories you make in there + elevate the comfort it brings you, to extract joy at every opportunity.
Carve some time out of your schedule, this weekend to give your bedroom a makeover. Introduce elements you’ve always dreamt of having, whether it’s a dreamy mosquito net or bed canopy draping from the ceiling or something more simple such as stripping away everything, so only the bare essentials remain. Create your dream bedroom this weekend, or at the very least, begin the makeover and get started creating so you can enjoy the finished product sooner. You deserve a sacred sanctuary for your soul to spend time in!
Revolutionising and realigning the way you live in your home, creating the lifestyle you’ve always dreamt of living!
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